1. Jurnal Nasional Farmasi :
Majalah Obat Tradisional bertujuan untuk merangsang penemuan dan pengembangan jamu dan obat tradisional. Kami menerima artikel tentang budidaya dan ekstraksi bahan baku, analisis efek atau toksisitas fitokimia/farmakologis bahan tersebut, atau potensi aplikasi ekstrak, fraksi, atau senyawa alami dalam formulasi obat tradisional.
Media Farmasi menerbitkan artikel asli, serta komunikasi singkat dalam semua lingkup Ilmu Kefarmasian seperti Farmasi, Biofarmasi, Drug Delivery System, Farmasi Fisik, Farmasi Kimia, Teknologi Farmasi, Mikrobiologi dan Bioteknologi Farmasi, Farmakologi dan Toksikologi, Farmakokinetik, Kimia Farmasi , Biologi Farmasi, Farmasi Komunitas dan Klinis, Urusan Regulasi dan Riset Pemasaran Farmasi, dan Pengobatan Alternatif.
Jurnal Kefarmasian Indonesia is a scientific journal published by the Center for Research and Development Biomedical and Basic Health of Technology, Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia. The journal publishes original manuscripts on research, systematic review, and meta-analysis in pharmaceutical science such as Pharmaceutical Technology, Pharmacology, Phytochemistry, Traditional Medicines, Clinical Pharmacy, and Pharmaceutical Care. The journal is published in English. Jurnal Kefarmasian Indonesia is a biannual, open-access, peer-reviewed, and online pharmacy journal. Jurnal Kefarmasian Indonesia aims to serve the updated scientific knowledge for processing manuscripts as well as for processing manuscripts.
The journal includes various fields of pharmaceuticals sciences such as:
-Pharmacology and Toxicology
-Community and Clinical Pharmacy
-Pharmaceutical Chemistry
-Pharmaceutical Biology
-Pharmaceutical Technology
-Pharmaceutical Microbiology and Biotechnology
-Alternative medicines
2. Jurnal Internasional Farmasi :
Advanced Pharmaceutical Bulletin (APB) is a peer-reviewed, Platinum Open Access journal (no processing or publication fees) that publishes original research papers, scientific commentaries, views and review articles, and editorial commentary. The area of focus is concepts in pharmaceutical science (physical, chemical, biological, clinical, and regulatory aspects) including pharmacokinetics, biopharmaceutics, pharmacodynamics, pro-drug developments, metabolic disposition of bioactive agents, dosage form design, immune-pharmaceuticals, protein-peptide chemistry and biotechnology specifically as these relate to pharmaceutical technology, gene delivery, and targeted drug delivery using nanotechnology.
Indonesian Journal of Pharmacy (ISSN-e: 2338-9486, ISSN-p: 2338-9427) is the leading international peer reviewed open-access journal of pharmacy in Indonesia. Indonesian Journal of Pharmacy is published quarterly online by Faculty of Pharmacy Universitas Gadjah Mada.The journal includes various fields of pharmaceuticals sciences such as:
-Pharmacology and Toxicology
-Community and Clinical Pharmacy
-Pharmaceutical Chemistry
-Pharmaceutical Biology
-Pharmaceutical Technology
-Pharmaceutical Microbiology and Biotechnology
-Alternative medicines
Medicine and Pharmacy Reports is published by the most prestigious medical school in Romania and aims at representing a true scientific forum in health sciences. It is open to all the national and international communities and it promotes original papers of young researches, along with contributions of top specialists in the medical and pharmaceutical fields.
Perpustakaan Universitas Haji Sumatera Utara menyediakan koleksi e-book yang dapat dibaca dan diunduh oleh pengguna :
Kumpulan Koleksi E-Book Dosen Universitas Haji Sumatera Utara :
Inventaris Buku Farmasi :
- PROSIDING SEMINAR NASIONAL FARMASI 2021 "“Major Challenge and Trends in Pharmaceutical Science 2021: from natural product, genomic perspective, and applied pharmaceutical technology to pharmaceutical products”
- Prosiding Seminar Nasional Kefarmasian 2022 "Riset Dan Pengembangan Produk Farmasi Dan Pangan Halal Di Indonesia"
- PROSIDING SEMINAR NASIONAL FARMASI – UMKT "Vaksin dan Pemanfaatan Herbal Indonesia sebagai Upaya Pencegahan Penularan Covid-19"
- Prosiding Seminar Nasional Farmasi Universitas Ahmad Dahlan PROSIDING SEMINAR NASIONAL FARMASI 2023
- PROSIDING SEMINAR NASIONAL FARMASI 2024 2nd Global Forum on Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences carries The Topic about The Role of Phar,aceutical Sciences in Transforming Mental Health Care